😮 Will AI Make Jobs Optional?

Also: Instant Answers with a Quick Call

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Elon Musk predicts that AI will make jobs optional, fueling a debate about the future of work. Despite this, the adoption of AI in workplaces remains slow. Meanwhile, Arc Search's new Call Arc feature allows users to get answers with a simple phone call to the app, and OpenAI's choice for Sky's voice actor was not influenced by Scarlett Johansson. Let’s dive in!

In today’s insights:

  • Will AI Make Jobs Optional?

  • Instant Answers with a Quick Call

  • The Real Voice Behind Sky

Read time: 5 minutes



Evolving AI: Elon Musk predicts AI will make jobs optional, sparking a debate on future employment.

Key Points:

  • AI might make jobs optional, Musk says.

  • Universal high income suggested.

  • Slow AI adoption in workplaces.


Elon Musk recently shared his vision at VivaTech 2024 in Paris: AI will eventually make traditional jobs optional. He suggested that instead of universal basic income, there would be a "universal high income" to ensure people can access goods and services provided by AI and robots. Such a change might lead to a world where work becomes a choice or hobby rather than a necessity. Despite these predictions, a study from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab indicates that the adoption of AI in workplaces is slower than anticipated.

Musk also expressed his fear of AI's potential, referencing Ian Banks' "Culture Book Series" as a realistic depiction of a future dominated by advanced technology. He raised concerns about the emotional fulfillment of people in a job-free future, questioning the meaning of life if computers and robots outperform humans in all tasks. He suggested that humans might play a role in giving AI its purpose.

Why It Matters:

If AI takes over most jobs, society must rethink income distribution and personal satisfaction. While technology can enhance productivity and create leisure opportunities, it also poses challenges to human identity and purpose.

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Evolving AI: Arc Search’s new Call Arc feature allows users to get answers by making a 'phone call' to the app.

Key Points:

  • Users can ask questions by holding their phone to their ear.

  • Instant voice responses provide quick answers.

  • Designed for quick, on-the-go queries.


Arc Search, an IOS app by The Browser Company, introduces Call Arc, a feature letting users get quick answers using their voice. This AI-powered tool allows users to ask questions by simply holding their phone to their ear and speaking. The app provides instant voice responses, making it ideal for immediate and small queries. The Browser Company says Call Arc is a new take on voice search, offering faster responses than typing. For example, while cooking dinner, you can ask questions like, “How long should I cook spaghetti for?” and “Why should I keep some pasta water?” The app answers instantly, showing an animated smiley face on the screen as it talks back.

Our Thoughts

Arc’s ambitions are undoubtedly huge. Not only is The Browser Company taking on Safari and Chrome, but it's also entering the competitive AI assistant arena where OpenAI and others lead. Against these behemoths, it appears to be a significant underdog. Arc Search’s frequent and substantial updates are one strategy the app uses to set itself apart in its quest to unseat its heavyweight first- and third-party rivals. However, with Apple gearing up to launch a range of AI-enhanced updates for Safari and Siri, it will be fascinating to see how Arc continues to innovate and enhance its core offering throughout the year.

Source: Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images

Evolving AI: OpenAI’s voice actor choice for Sky wasn’t influenced by Scarlett Johansson, despite speculation.

Key Points:

  • Voice recorded months before Altman's contact with Johansson.

  • Briefings never mentioned Johansson.

  • The actress chosen had specific job requirements.


The Washington Post reveals documents from OpenAI showing the voice for Sky was recorded well before any contact with Scarlett Johansson. According to sources, neither Johansson nor her film "Her" were mentioned in briefings. The job posting specified a non-union actress with a voice that is warm, engaging, and charismatic, sounding between 25 and 45 years old.

The voices of Johansson and the chosen actress are not notably similar. The actress expressed feeling attacked by criticisms that only reflect her natural voice, noting she has never been compared to Johansson in her personal life. The timing of Altman's later contact with Johansson remains unclear, but criticisms of OpenAI and Altman seem unfounded based on these facts.

Our Thoughts:

Scarlett Johansson remains unconvinced: she believes Sky mimics her voice and had previously turned down OpenAI. However, OpenAI demonstrated that it had engaged the voice actor months before reaching out to Johansson. Neither Johansson nor the film "Her" were referenced in the briefing materials. This episode illustrates how quickly OpenAI can find itself in hot water, even if they maintain they did nothing wrong. This entire situation might set a precedent for the future as people increasingly challenge OpenAI's success.

💡 Tip of the Day

Last week, Google introduced ‘Veo’, their new AI video generator. Veo allows filmmakers to create cinematic shots simply by writing prompts, like OpenAI’s Sora. Google now published a new video, showcasing the possibilities. Have a look for yourself below.


Direct links to relevant AI articles.

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