🚀AGI possible by 2026 says Dario Amodei

Also: Apple researchers question AI's reasoning skills

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Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei believes that advanced AI could arrive as early as 2026, though he emphasizes how uncertain these timelines can be. Meanwhile, Apple researchers are questioning whether leading AI models like OpenAI's GPT are genuinely reasoning—or just exceptionally skilled at pattern recognition. And OpenAI's new Swarm framework has everyone talking: could AI agents work together to automate tasks? Let’s dive in! 

In today’s insights:

  • AGI by 2026? Possible, but still uncertain

  • Apple researchers question AI’s reasoning skills

  • OpenAI’s Swarm framework lets AI agents work together

Read time: 4 minutes


Source: Getty images

Evolving AI: Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei thinks advanced AI could be here by 2026, but admits that the timeline is highly uncertain.

Key Points:

  • Dario Amodei says AGI might show up by 2026, but it could take much longer.

  • This kind of AI could help make big advances in medicine, reduce poverty, and even make people live longer.

  • Amodei wants to avoid too much hype and tries to be realistic about both the good and bad sides of advanced AI.


Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic, wrote an essay about AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). He thinks AGI could be ready by 2026 but admits the timeline is uncertain. If AGI arrives soon, it could lead to big progress in healthcare, poverty reduction, and quality of life. AGI could help find disease cures, improve mental health, and expand healthcare access, leading to healthier lives. Amodei also suggests AGI could reduce poverty by optimizing resources, creating opportunities, and improving education. Unlike some AI leaders, Amodei avoids exaggeration. He aims for a realistic view, acknowledging positives and serious challenges. He warns against unrealistic expectations and highlights risks, such as misuse or harm, if AGI isn't handled properly. Managing AGI's risks is key. These include job loss, misuse by bad actors, and ethical concerns. By being honest about both opportunities and risks, Amodei hopes to encourage careful planning and regulation.

Why It Matters:

AGI could bring big changes, especially in healthcare, like curing diseases and helping people with mental health problems. But it's hard to say exactly when these changes will happen. If even some of these goals are met, it could mean huge improvements for industries like healthcare and public health. The big question is: are we ready to handle this powerful technology in a responsible way?

Evolving AI: Apple researchers say that today's top AI models, like OpenAI's o1, might not actually be using real logical reasoning but are just really good at recognizing patterns.

Key Points:

  • Apple researchers made new tools to test AI models and found they might not really use logic, just pattern recognition.

  • Adding extra, unrelated information made all tested models, including OpenAI's o1, perform worse.

  • Researchers think making AI models bigger won't fix this problem, and we need to develop true reasoning abilities in AI.


Apple researchers, including AI scientist Samy Bengio, made new tools called GSM-Symbolic and GSM-NoOp to test how well AI models like OpenAI's o1 can think logically. They found that even the best AI models often rely on pattern recognition instead of real reasoning. For example, when they added unrelated information to a question, the models' performance got worse. This means that just making AI models bigger and feeding them more data might not help them reason better, only recognize patterns more effectively. This raises questions about how good current AI tests really are.

Why It Matters:

It’s important to understand how AI models think, especially for areas like healthcare and education where accuracy is key. These results show that current AI models might not be fully reliable when real reasoning is needed, so industries that depend on these models should be careful. This also makes us wonder about the future of AI—can we make models that truly think like humans, or will they always just be very good at copying patterns?

Source: VentureBeat

Evolving AI: OpenAI's new Swarm framework makes people wonder about AI agents working together to automate tasks and change how businesses work.

Key Points:

  • OpenAI launched Swarm, a tool for testing how AI agents can work together on complicated tasks.

  • Swarm could allow AI agents to handle jobs like market research, sales, and customer support with little human help.

  • There are concerns about security, job loss, and managing these systems safely as they expand.


OpenAI recently introduced Swarm, a framework to help AI agents work together to solve problems. Swarm makes it easier for developers to build connected AI systems. These agents could handle tasks like studying market trends, adjusting strategies, finding sales leads, and managing customer support—all with minimal human help. This kind of automation could make businesses more efficient and let employees focus on bigger projects. But Swarm also raises concerns about safety, fairness, and the role of people as more tasks get automated. There are worries about biased decisions and job loss as AI takes over more responsibilities. Swarm is still experimental and not a full product. However, OpenAI's project shows what AI could do in the future. Companies exploring these ideas now might be better prepared for when AI plays a larger role in decisions. Early projects like Swarm HOS are exciting but also highlight the need for rules to ensure AI is used responsibly.

Why It Matters:

Swarm shows us a possible future where AI agents work together to handle business tasks, which could reduce the workload for people. This could make industries like marketing and customer service more efficient, but it also brings up questions about job loss and whether AI decisions are always fair. Companies need to carefully balance the benefits of automation with its risks to make sure AI helps people and is used in the right way.

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